You’ve Found A Storyworld Portal ….

You are about to enter the Book Portal into the Secret Storyworld. Here you use your reading, writing and creating powers - known as storyspinning - to write the world in the Book of Secrets.

Each month a new chapter opens and an invitation appears.


If you say Yes to the invitation, then each day of the Storyspinner Month a new page will appear in your personal Book of Secrets. Daily Storyspinner Clues will guide you to write your story. Or blaze your own path through the Storyworld. Both kinds of storyspinning write the world.

The key is to write. Every day. It can be a sentence, a scene, 1 page, 3 pages. These words will help you bridge the invisible world of your thoughts and feelings with the visible world of your daily life.

This will begin to change things. You will become clear on your quest in each realm. And you will begin to create it; first in the Storyworld and then in the visible world.

This is your magic. The magic that the world needs NOW.

Daily Storyspinning is the secret of the Storyworld. You have the power - you have always had the power - to write the world.

To get started, sign up to enter the portal and receive your first invitation.


Our March Storygame

Attend our spring session of Wizard School at Wizardopolis. A secret owl messenger will guide enrolled Wizards to their classrooms and provide an assignment every day in March. Study with 9 Wizarding Instructors to learn Wandcasting, Shapeshifting, Potionmaking, Alchemistry and more. A special graduation ceremony will take place at the Dragonwood Forest in Lithia Park.

Your Storyspinner Mission? To bring your wizarding adventure to life through the magic of reading, writing and creating.


Our April Storygame

Solve the Mystery of the MonkEYE

You’ll need all your Secret Agent wits and gadgetry to crack the Mystery Museum’s Cases of the Curiosities this April.

Your Storyspinner Mission? Solve the Mystery of the MonkEYE in your Book of Secrets.


Our May Storygame

Find the Happily Ever Artifacts

Quest through the Fairytale Theater to find the hidden objects from your favorite Fairy Tales and get ready to put on a show this May!

Your Storyspinner Mission? Get this Fairytale ready for Opening Night in your Book of Secrets.


Our June Storygame

Grow your Garden of Love with the Faery Godmothers

Help the Faery Godmother Traveling Tea Party get ready by gathering the 9 Flowers and Herbs from the Tea Faeries in time for the Summer Solstice.

Your Storyspinner Mission? Enter the Tea Faery Garden to learn the secrets of Charmspeak Tea in your Book of Secrets.


Our July Storygame

Power UP with the Superheroes!

You’ve been invited to train with the Superheroes this July. Get Superhero fit with the Five Power Ups at the 5 Power Stations.

Your Storyspinner Mission? Use your Book of Secrets to Power Up at Superhero Bootcamp.


Our August Storygame

Sleep under the stars at the Campfire Forest

Quest through the Fairytale Theater to find the hidden objects from your favorite Fairy Tales and get ready to put on a show this May!

Your Storyspinner Mission? Get this Fairytale ready for Opening Night in your Book of Secrets


Our September Storygame

Get your Muse to the Marketplace

Set sail on the Sea of Creativity to bring your Muse (creative project, service or business) to the Marketplace this September.

Your Storyspinner Mission? To record your mythic creation adventures in your Book of Secrets.


Our October Storygame

Have Frightful Fun at the Monster Ball

Your Monster Band is needed to perform at October’s Monster Ball, the most Monstrous event of the Monster year.

Your Storyspinner Mission? Write about how you find, tame and get your Monsters to the Ball.


Our November Storygame

A Map to Treasure.

November’s storyspinning adventure: What happens when you discover a Map to Treasure? This Map leads to the Treasure Mines, the Treasure Marketplace and the Treasure Caves. Gold, Silver and Jewels, and 3 Genie Wishes await you. If you can get past the Dragons guarding these Treasures.

Your Treasure Mission? Claim the Treasures of the Treasure Bazaar. Choose Gratitude.


Our December Storygame

A Gnome in your Home.

December’s storyspinning adventure: Get ready for the coming holiday season with the help of the Gnome in your Home. Each day your Gnome will suggest a Gnomekeeping Task and a Gnomecoming Tradition to create a cozy and festive home for the Holidays.

Your Gnomekeeping Mission? Help your Home get ready to be Gnome for the Holidays.


Our January Storygame

A Time Traveling Hotel.

January’s storyspinning adventure: Check-in to the Time Travel Hotel to come to completion with the Year-That-Has-Been and choose the future of the Year-That-Will-Be. Each day you’ll enter a Door on the Past, Present or Future Floor of the Hotel.

Your Time Travel Mission? Help Future and Past You Choose the Future.


Our February Storygame

Be a Creature Keeper.

February’s storyspinning adventure: Find the Lairs of 30 Power Pets, invisible spirit animals who stand guard over the Secret Storyworld. Meet their challenge of using their Loving Kindness (LK) Power to Write the World.

Your Care of Creature Mission? Spread LK Powers to family, friends and the world as you Choose Kindness.


A Time Traveling Hotel.

January’s storyspinning adventure: Check-in to the Time Travel Hotel to come to completion with the Year-That-Has-Been and choose the future of the Year-That-Will-Be. Each day you’ll enter a Door on the Past, Present or Future Floor of the Hotel.

Your Time Travel Mission? Help Future and Past You Choose the Future.